Fight Club Gets A Happily Ever After Ending For Its Chinese Release


Fight Club, the cult classic film that briefly convinced an entire generation to give shirtless bare-knuckle boxing a go, has been released online in China through the streaming site Tencent Video. Like all western exports, the film has been edited so that it can gain approval from China’s notoriously strict government and its censors.

Spoilers for a film that’s two decades old, below You ever notice how Tyler Durden looks like that boxer from Snatch?You ever notice how Tyler Durden looks like that boxer from Snatch?

One of the major changes to Fight Club–which also starred the late Meat Loaf–occurs right at the end, as Tyler Durden’s “death” has been removed and a happier conclusion has been added. If you forgot how the film ended, here’s the clip of Edward Norton’s nameless character standing next to Helena Bonham Carter’s Marla Singer, with the two watching as numerous buildings are destroyed as part of Durden’s plan to abolish consumerism. All to the tune of one of the best songs from alt-rock band The Pixies:

For the version released in China, the film cuts out the scene of the buildings exploding and adds on-screen text that reveals that Project Mayhem was successfully foiled by the cops, while Durden himself was captured and eventually sent to prison.

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