Final Fantasy 7 celebrates 25th anniversary, new projects coming

Final Fantasy 7 is now 25 years old, having launched in Japan on January 31, 1997, for the original PlayStation. It’s a big milestone for what is widely regarding as the all-time best JRPG, not to mention one of the most influential video games of all.
If you were hoping for an update on Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 today, then you’re out of lucky unless Square Enix hits fans with a last-minute surprise. Amid the 25th anniversary celebrations we’ve seen new artwork and logos, as seen below.
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Instead of the iconic meteor, we see Cloud, Sephiroth, and Zack, this reimagined logo better portraying how Final Fantasy 7 has continued to expand beyond the original game. Over the years we’ve seen plenty of spinoffs and tie-in media, Final Fantasy 7 Remake marking a new era for what has now become its own universe within the Final Fantasy series.
Here’s a first look at the brand-new Final Fantasy VII 25th Anniversary logos.
We hope you’re ready for the year ahead! #FFVII25th
— FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE (@finalfantasyvii) January 31, 2022
There be no news on Remake Part 2 though producer Yishinori Kitase and character designed, Tetsuya Nomura, have left fans with a birthday message.
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Thanking fans for their continued support over the years, the two Final Fantasy legends don’t give much away though confirm that even more FF7 projects are in the works.
Continuing on from the release of Final Fantasy VII Remake, Final Fantasy VII The First Soldier has also now opened for service and next we have Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis waiting in the wings too.
And there will be even more new FFVII projects that started up after the remake coming in future too.
For those out of the loop, The First Soldier is Square Enix’s mobile battle royale shooter set in the FF7 universe. While it sounds like a lazy cash grab, the game actually holds up pretty well. In 2022, we should also see the release of Ever Crisis, a singleplayer mobile JRPG that will tie together Final Fantasy 7 Remake and other stories from the wider compilation.
Of course, what we’re most eager to hear about is Remake Part 2. We won’t touch on spoilers though the cliffhanger we were left on suggests that Square may be taking this second instalment in a bold direction.