Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker – Everything We Know


A new adventure awaits your Warrior of Light in Endwalker, the latest expansion for Square Enix’s popular MMO Final Fantasy XIV. The fourth expansion for the critically acclaimed game, Endwalker marks the conclusion of the Hydaelyn and Zodiark saga–an intricate story that has spanned the past 10 years. In addition to bringing us some much-needed closure, new beginnings, and plenty of tears, Endwalker also comes with some big changes and additions to Final Fantasy XIV, including the introduction of two new classes and several fresh locations. To prepare you for your journey to the end, here’s everything we know about the new expansion.


Even keeping this section short, sweet, and fairly spoiler-free, there’s still plenty you should be excited about. Perhaps the most important thing to know about Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker is it marks the end of the Hydaelyn and Zodiark saga–the overarching story in Final Fantasy XIV that first began all the way back in 2013’s A Realm Reborn. The expansion takes place shortly after the events of Shadowbringers and during the long-coming “second advent of the Final Days.” During this critical period, we see our Warrior of Light and their faithful comrades face off against “the greatest calamity” they’ve ever encountered–which is saying a lot at this point, honestly. Along with this great calamity, you’ll also be forced to face off against plenty of other fierce foes, such as the primals Anima and the Magus Sisters.

While we now know Endwalker takes just about as long to complete as any previous expansion (approximately 40 to 50 hours), Square Enix packs a whole lot of story across those hours, adding 108 new quests to the game. As you complete these quests, you will get the chance to travel to new locations in Final Fantasy XIV that, while often discussed, have thus far remained shrouded in mystery. These new areas include Old Sharlayan, Thavnair, and Garlemald. Last but certainly not least, Endwalker also takes us to one of the strangest Final Fantasy XIV locations to date: the moon. Barren with the exception of some grand–and peculiar–architure, Mare Lamentorum is sure to add something surreal and celestial to the Endwalker experience.

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