Final Fantasy XIV Free Trial to Resume Soon

Square Enix will allow users to once again register for the Final Fantasy XIV free trial very soon. Users will be able to register starting February 22, 2022, according to the official Final Fantasy XIV Twitter account. The trial grants users access to A Realm Reborn and the Heavensward expansion up to level 60. Registration for the free trial was temporarily suspended in December 2021. This was due to congestion issues following the release of the Endwalker expansion.
In July 2020, FFXIV Producer Naoki Yoshida revealed changes to the original free trial. This included the addition of the Heavensward expansion, and for players to reach level 60. Additionally, the inclusion of the Heavensward expansion into the free trial opened up several Job Classes to players. With the addition, players could pick from the Dark Knight, Machinist and Astrologian Job Classes upon reaching the Heavensward area. Players can also make an Au Ra character through the free trial. However, Square Enix has not announced any plans to add further expansions beyond Heavensward into the free trial.
Final Fantasy XIV is available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC. The Final Fantasy XIV free trial will return on February 22, 2022. Information regarding Final Fantasy XIV Patch 6.1 will appear through a Letter from the Producer Live on March 4, 2022.
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