Fortnite is getting an Uncharted crossover


Fortnite UnchartedHot on the heels of Uncharted getting made into a vaguely related movie that no one asked for, series’ characters, including Not Indiana Jones and British Pony-tailed Lady That Isn’t Lara Croft, are coming to the ever-expanding tween kill-fest of Fortnite. Twitter user Z0m6ieLeaks tweeted the trailer out earlier today, so now we have to talk about it, even though I’m assuming no one wants to. According to the tweet, the crossover should go live on February 17 at 7PM ET, so this is happening very soon. Presumably it’ll tie in with the movie starring Spider-Man and Brags-about-being-able-to-stop-horrible-disasters-man. The announcement came alongside a trailer which gives us a pretty exact idea of what this crossover entails. Players will be able to get skins that bear the likenesses of Nathan Drake and Chloe Frazer from the Uncharted movie, as well as ones that look like the characters from the games. I wonder which ones people will be more enthused about? The…

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