Genshin Impact 2.5 Tier List: Best characters for the upcoming update

Genshin Impact 2.5 is just around the corner, and with it comes some changes to the landscape of the game. From new characters to new weapons and artifacts, change means new priorities for the best characters in Genshin Impact.
With that, here’s our Genshin Impact 2.5 tier list for the best characters to add to your party in the upcoming update.
Genshin Impact 2.5 Best Characters
The following Tier Lists separate Genshin Impact characters into four levels, where S tiers are the best and C-Tier are the least viable characters currently.
The list also considers the number of constellations a character requires to shine.
Genshin Impact characters play different functions based on their abilities, even though the game does not define these roles. The community has determined four different roles in each team.
Main DPS
- The primary source of DMG. Most teams are designed thinking in enabling these characters’ abilities.
- Despite having the spotlight, most characters can play this role in Genshin Impact with enough investment.
- Characters that can provide an additional source of Elemental Damage for your team.
- They mostly rely on their Elemental Skills and Elemental Bursts.
- These characters offer a utility role in the team, providing buffs, healing, cleansing, shields, reducing enemies’ defense.
- In Genshin Impact, this is the most crucial category. Great support can change the way your team performs considerably.
Elemental Enablers
- These types of characters are meant to boost Elemental Skills in a team.
- Generally from the same element as the DPS or Sub-DPS to create Elemental Resonance
- Sometimes the enabler is replaced by second support.
Best Main DPS
Ayaka C0 and Ganyu C1 are at the top of this list, particularly since the arrival of Shenhe boosts their DMG potential massively.
The Cryo element sits at the top of the meta, particularly on the last floors of the Spiral Abyss, where entire mobs are affected by DMG while they are frozen.
*Hu Tao C1 is almost comparable, however, her playstyle that requires low HP is hindered by the introduction of corrosion.
- Tier S
Tier A
- Arataki Itto C0, Childe Tartaglia C0, Eula C0, Xiao C0.
- Tier B
Tier C
- Keqing C0, Yanfei C1, Razor C4
Best Sub-DPS
Raiden Shogun C0 is the best Sub-DPS in the current meta. Her elemental skill allows her to make DMG even when she is an outfield, and her Elemental Burst is as satisfying as it is deadly.
A special mention goes to Xingqiu and Xiangling, as both characters are better when they are built as sub-DPS; however, they can also play the Support Role.
Tier S
- Raiden Shogun C0, Xingqiu C6, Xiangling C4
Tier A
- Venti C0, Beidou C2
- Tier B
Tier C
- Lisa C2, Amber C6, Traveler Electro C6, Traveler Anemo C6.
Best Supports
The Geo Archon shares the highest spot with the GOATs of Genshin Impact, Bennet, and Kazuha.
Although shields are being nerfed, Zhongli remains incredibly useful for reducing all Elemental Resistances in enemies and petrifying all enemies with his burst.
There is also nothing like Bennet’s DMG buff (which benefits all elements) other than perhaps Kazuha, but they work very differently.
Tier S
- Zhongli C0, Bennet C1, Kazuha C0
Tier A
- Diona C6, Mona C0, Sucrose C1, Kokomi C0
Tier B
- Jean C0, Yun Jin C0, Sayu C1, Barbara C0
Tier C
- Qiqi C0
Best Elemental Enablers
The Elemental Enabler role has a smaller roster; however, Genshin Impact released niche or elemental focus characters in recent updates.
Niche Elemental characters make teams like mono Geo and mono Cryo.
Shenhe huge boost to Cryo DMG and Albedo after Genshin Impact 2.3 buff are this category’s stars.
Tier S
- Shenhe C0, Albedo C0
Tier A
- Kujou Sara C2, Gorou C0
Tier B
- Rosaria C6, Thoma C0, Traveler Geo C6, Chongyun C1
Tier C
- Xinyan C4