Genshin Impact gets a Raiden Shogun rerun and bartending minigame in update 2.5


Genshin Impact gets a Raiden Shogun rerun and bartending minigame in update 2.5

While we knew that the new Genshin Impact character Yae Miko would be playing a leading role in update 2.5, we now know what else is coming our way when the next batch of content lands on February 16. Mihoyo has delved into the anime game’s new patch in its latest livestream, revealing a Raiden Shogun banner rerun alongside several new story missions and events.

We’ll be kicking off update 2.5 with a Yae Miko banner, though the second phase will involve a rerun for Raiden Shogun. The two take a leading role narratively, too, as both of them will get story quests in the new update that flesh out their character.

We’re getting some neat events, too. Of Drink A-Dreaming is a minigame that turns Genshin Impact into a bartending sim. You’ll take up the role of a bartender in Diluc’s Tavern, where you have to craft drinks to the tastes of your patrons. You have up to five ingredients to pick from, and there are several ways you can prepare the drink, too. Some patrons will be pretty straightforward with what they want, though others will require you to get creative. If you manage to create a drink to their tastes, though, you’ll unlock special dialogue to get to know them better.

RELATED LINKS: Play Genshin Impact for free, Genshin Impact character tier list, Genshin Impact leveling guide

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