Genshin Impact handguard farming: Nobushi locations guide


Genshin Impact handguard farming: Nobushi locations guide

Want to know where you can farm Handguards in Genshin Impact? The day has finally come, your favourite character’s banner is live, but you’re completely unprepared. Without any ascension materials, you won’t be able to use your new character in your main party unless you spend several hours farming items.

Handguards are one of the ascension materials that characters and weapons from Inazuma need to reach their full potential. This ascension material is considerably harder to acquire than most as the items are dropped by just two enemies: Nobushi and Kairagi. These enemies can only be found on Inazuma and they have a notoriously low drop rate, even on World Level 8.

If you’re planning on spending some primogems on an upcoming Genshin Impact banner, you may want to prepare some ascension materials beforehand for your future Inazuman character. Yae Miko’s banner is set to go live in 2.5, and there are rumours that Raiden Shogun could be returning in the first half of the update.

RELATED LINKS: Play Genshin Impact for free, Genshin Impact character tier list, Genshin Impact leveling guide

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