Get hype, the Final Fantasy 6 Pixel Remaster releases later this month

The pixel remaster of Final Fantasy 6 finally has a release date of February 23.
Square Enix announced in December that it would be arriving sometime this month, saying that it needed “necessary time to apply final polish while finishing development on the game.” It’s time I appreciate—Final Fantasy 6 is my favourite of the early games in the series and is widely regarded as one of the best entries overall. It’s a game near and dear to many, but it’s never received a particularly good rerelease. To be fair, not many of the Final Fantasies have. Looking at you, ugly fonts.
It’s the final entry set to receive a pixelated spruce-up. The first five Final Fantasy games got their pixel remasters last year, with the latest release being Final Fantasy 5 on November 10. They look fine enough, even if they do still appear to suffer from the same mistakes that have plagued previous attempts to freshen up the older games.
This isn’t just another wild goose chase, it’s time to move out.The Final Fantasy VI pixel remaster launches on Steam and Mobile on February 23rd PST/GMT. In the meantime, enjoy the rearrangement of Terra’s Theme in all its majesty.Pre-order: 9, 2022
To show off its upcoming release, the Final Fantasy Twitter page dropped the iconic opening sequence for the game alongside the rearrangement of Terra’s Theme. It’s gotten me pretty hype personally, and judging by the responses so is everybody else. Let’s just hope the grumblings about a lack of console version don’t cause this game to get review-bombed, too.