Ghostwire Tokyo doesnt look like a Shinji Mikami game – The Loadout

Ghostwire Tokyo has been an exciting proposition since its announcement. A scary supernatural tale set in the country that does out-there horror better than most with legendary Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami attached? Im in. But after recently seeing a sizable chunk of the games beginning, as well as lots of combat, UI, and other gameplay elements, one thought keeps ringing around in my old noggin: Ghostwire Tokyo just doesnt feel like a Shinji Mikami game. Its a thought that became clear as day as the player in the pre-recorded preview video explored Tokyo, giving us a good idea of how Ghostwire Tokyo will actually play.. You are Akito, a young man who finds himself fused with KK, a ghost hunter turned spirit who lives in your right hand, it seems. This is presumably how you get what I like to call your finger powers, because, well, you shoot powers from your fingers.

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