God of War Ragnarok Unlikely to Get Delayed Into 2023 – Rumour


Video game delays are always a very real possibility, but that’s been doubly true over the last couple of years thanks to the pandemic. 2022 has got a number of major games supposedly coming out, but it’s not surprising that questions of delays have been attached to many of them. One such game is God of War Ragnarok– but there might not be much need for worry on that front.

Or at least that’s what Bloomberg reporter Jason Schreier believes. Responding recently to a Reddit thread that wondered whether the upcoming action-adventure sequel was in danger of getting delayed out of its planned 2022 launch window, Schreier responded with a brief and simple “Nope”. That’s as brief as a response can get, and doesn’t necessarily indicate whether Schreier is basing this on his knowledge of the game’s development, but given his track record and credibility, it does warrant attention.

The game was, of course, already delayed once, having originally been announced with a 2021 launch window, with surgeries for actor Christopher Judge (who plays Kratos) having necessitated the same. Read more on that through here.

Whenever it launches, God of War Ragnarok will be available on PS5 and PS4.

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