Halo Infinite latency issues are getting addressed, shot registration and ‘desync’ are next


Halo Infinite desync hit registration latency issuesDeveloper 343 Industries has been steadily working on Halo Infinite since its launch, addressing many of the concerns levied by players. However, the work is far from over. Fans have decried issues revolving around its multiplayer for some months now. However, the team is implementing more changes. Today, Halo Infinite latency should be better, and fixes for issues surrounding ‘desync’ and shot/melee registration are next. Richard Watson, the sandbox lead engineer for 343, outlined the aforementioned problems in a Halo Waypoint post today. Watson began by discussing in a not-too-technical manner of why you sometimes die after — on your end — you’ve rounded a corner. It’s a common complaint for many people who play online multiplayer games.   It comes down to “latency compensation,” which dictates the experience players have with Halo Infinite via its servers. He explained the servers prioritize the shooter, not the shootee. Based …

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