HAMSTER Corporation celebrates 300 Arcade Archives titles


The subject of HAMSTER Corporation’s Arcade Archives series is a perennial favorite here at Mega Visions. Every time these dedicated history-preservers drop another classic game for download on modern systems, we’re on it like nerds to a flame. Or maybe that’s flies to a comic convention. It’s one colloquial or the other.

In recent months, we’ve seen everything from seminal RPGs to favorites like Pac-Man hit the service, and now the company has announced they’ve reached a milestone to be proud of. On Twitter, they’ve revealed that, collectively, Arcade Archives has now cataloged 300 (three stinkin’ hundred) games. And counting. This includes titles from the mainline series, as well as those from ACA Neo Geo, a spinoff that resurrects – you guessed it – Neo Geo games. Because I guess they’re fancy enough to warrant their own label. Always did take the NeoGeo for a diva.

アーケードアーカイブス、アケアカNEOGEOシリーズは300タイトルとなりました!ユーザーのみなさま、参入していただいたゲームメーカーのみなさま、そして関係者のみなさま、本当にありがとうございました!まだまだ通過点!これからもよろしくお願いいたします!#アケアカhttps://t.co/X9XKpLt80q pic.twitter.com/k4Kw8svMVZ

— HAMSTER Corporation (@HAMSTER_Corp) January 27, 2022

It’s nice to know the word ‘NEOGEO’ is equally nonsensical in every language.

“The Arcade Archives series has 300 titles!” reads the translation. “Thank you to all our users, the original game makers who first entered the market, and all the other people involved! We look forward to hearing from you!” Well, you heard ’em, guys. Send them some congrats over whichever platform you favor.

Incidentally, the 300th entry is the bizarre Pistol Daimyo Adventure, which seems about as bonkers a commemoration as it’s possible to go with. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Congrats, HAMSTER. Long may your fuzzy, wheel-running reign continue.

Are you pleased by this news? Any arcade classics you’d like to see Archived? Let us know!

Via, Twitter.

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