Hands On: Triangle Strategy Delivers Deep Turn-Based Combat To Match Its Incredible Art

For Norzelia!
As we’ve already reported, a brand new demo for Square Enix’s upcoming tactical RPG, Triangle Strategy, dropped onto the Switch eShop during the latest Nintendo Direct and it’s a pretty generous offering, giving players a chance to dig into the game’s prologue with all progress carrying over to the main game, should you choose to pick it up when it releases on 4th March.
We’ve been spending plenty of time with Triangle Strategy over the past week and can tell you that the prologue, which should take you a solid two or three hours to blast through, does a great job of introducing a bunch of the game’s central characters as well as giving you a handful of battles to get stuck into that slowly layer on tactical elements, resulting in some pleasingly strategic early enemy encounters.
Read the full article on nintendolife.com