Hearthstone Arena Tier List (Feb 2022): Stronger Hero’s Ranked


This is the updated, Hearthstone Arena Tier List with the strongest hero’s ranked in the game.

Hearthstone arena is a deck card game in which the player has to create a 30 card and have to battle against the other player who has the same number of cards as 30. The player has to choose the different cards.

The arena run will cost around 150 gold. To win this gold in a game the gamers should have the basic knowledge of the card and also card interaction. The players should also draft cards while playing the game.

The 150 gold in nearly cost you 2 dollars, so you can use random cards. The player after the 3 defeats in a row will lose the battle. To play the game you have to first pay the entry fees in the game, after that, you have to choose the hero from three random choices.

Where in the drafting process the players have to choose the arena characters from the 30 selection screens. After the selection of characters, the players can not undo the characters.

After the drafting, the players have to put the selected characters in the tournament. After winning the match the players will be rewarded with gold. To recover the 150 gold players had to win seven games.

Hearthstone Arena tier listHearthstone Arena tier list

Hearthstone Arena Tier List: (February 2022)

First, you have to choose the one hero from the top tier list. Every card has its strengths and weaknesses. The opponent will have the same number of characters but you have to use the card’s decks as the player selected card doesn’t stand against you.

The different tier list is mentioned below. Choose the characters from it to pull the game on your side.

Hearthstone Arena heroesHearthstone Arena heroeshearthstone arena tier listS Tier Hero’s:

  • Warlock
  • Mage


The warlock is the hero that will help you to get your domination over the game. Warlock has the knowledge, seductive succubus, loyal void walkers and horrific felhunters join the dark sorcerer’s ranks.

Warlock has the ability to distant enemies in searing flames, send them fleeing in terrors and pain, or afflict them with corrupting diseases and curses. Warlock will never disappoint you, warlock will use their minions to overwhelm the enemy. Warlock will allow sacrificing two health in order to draw a card.


The mage hero card has the power which fireblast is the most versatile of the damage, it is useful for board control as it will be able to remove smaller and large minions from the game instantly. The mage can be used to remove the shield of the enemy and can also activate the acolyte of pain.

The mages are one of the strongest cards and will recommend to you at the start of the game or while the game is at the end.

Hearthstone Arena strongest heroesHearthstone Arena strongest heroeshearthstone arena tier listA Tier Hero’s:

  • Demon Hunter
  • Druid

Demon Hunter:

The demon hunter is one of the warriors of the game. You can use it to defeat the troops of the enemy in large numbers. Demon hunter is an agile fighter who can defeat the opponent’s allies. They have a shard baleda and claws and use the fallen troops to fuel power. The deck of demon hunter has a very rough time dealing with large minions with high HP.


The druid deck just works fine. If you are a beginner and had a chance to choose the druid, then go with it. The druid is verstalite. If you play your card you have a chance to win the match. Druid shines in its speed and mana pool accumulation.

Hearthstone Arena heroes classHearthstone Arena heroes classhearthstone arena tier listB Tier Hero’s:

  • Warrior
  • paladin


If you love to play aggressively and want to control the match, then choose the warrior deck. Warrior deck can complete the game in a minute and if you just want to push the game till last then also warrior will help you.


Palladian also has very aggressive gameplay. With the help of the Palladian, you can easily set up the force with minimal effort. Beginners love this deck as it helps to co plate the match very quickly and gets a win with minimum effort.

Hearthstone Arena tierHearthstone Arena tierhearthstone arena tier listC Tier Hero’s:

  • Rogue
  • Hunter


The problem with the rogue deck is that the rough deck control matches in the early phase of the match. If you can not get over the match in the early stages it’s hard to recover in the end. The suggestion is you have to use the troops in the combination so you can get early domination over the game,


The hunter is another aggressive player in the game. The hunter is in the below tier list. Hunter deck has an inventory of powers but the problem is that at the end of the match if you don’t use power wisely at the end you will face defeat.

Hearthstone Arena weak heroesHearthstone Arena weak heroeshearthstone arena tier listD Tier Hero’s:

  • Shaman
  • Priest


Shaman has aggressive gameplay but doesn’t have great skills. It will burst the enemies, but the player which has intermediate-level experience or more will easily defeat the shaman. The shaman deck has powerful damage and can win a match if the opponent didn’t guess the movie.


The reason the priest is in the below level tier is that it has a robust mechanism and it is hard to understand and utilize the power of it, which finds it many players difficult to control the preiset. Priests have less defense so after a point, the domination will not be in your hand.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the frequently asked questions related to the Hearthstone Arena Tier List with complete information.

Which class is best in Arena Hearthstone?

Following are the best class in Arena Hearthstone. Demon Hunter, Shaman, Rogue, Warlock, Preist, Mage, Paladin, and Hunter. These are all hearthstone arena best class.

What sets are in Arena Hearthstone?

Following are the sets are available in the Arena Hearthstone. Basic, Classic, Rise of Shadows, Saviors of Uldum, Descent of Dragons, Galakrond’s Awakening, Ashes of Outland, Demon Hunter and Initiate.

What are the best heroes in Arena Hearthstone?

The best and strongest heroes in the Arena Hearthstone are Warlock and Mage in the game.

How do you trigger an outcast in Hearthstone?

The keyword “outcast” is only used on Demon Hunter cards. Outcast is a pseudo-Battlecry effect that occurs when you play a card from the left or rightmost position in your hand.

You can select any player in the game. In the game you will lose if you continuously defeat three times and lose invested gold coins, to get the gold back you need to win at least 7 matches and other match wins will be plus reward to your profile.

Every deck character has their flaws and plus so you have to utilize their skills as required. If the deck has aggressive players then you have to modify the game and have to take control of the game like that. If the deck players have great defense skills then you have to wait till last to show your enemy real powers.

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