Here’s a Life is Strange: Remastered comparison


Life Is Strange Remastered 1The original Life is Strange is a bit of a modern classic, beloved by many who were enamored by its fun time rewinding concept and grounded story. Life is Strange: Remastered wasn’t all that necessary, as the original game has held up fairly well. That being said, this new version offers some undeniable improvements that make the game look more modern than before. However, it might not be enough that people who own the original should necessarily scramble to upgrade. Before the Storm also received a remastered version, but since there are more changes in the original (and it’s an older game), I thought it better to focus on the first. As for what’s different about the visuals in Life is Strange: Remastered, the largest difference is that the facial animations have been mocapped to make things less stilted. Faces animate differently now, but they’re still constrained some by the character models, so this doesn’t make the biggest difference in the world. …

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