Here’s a list of every Lost Ark server


Looking for a list of Lost Ark servers? With the imminent release of the Korean ARPG-style MMO, you might be wondering how many servers are available for each region. Some are likely to be busier than others, especially around launch. There’s no way to predict which servers will be more popular; it’s certainly worth spending a few minutes deciding where to make your home.

While there’s no real difference when it comes to choosing the server you’ll play on, you should make sure you coordinate with your friends before starting out in Arkesia. That’s not to say you can’t party up for certain group activities if you’re on different servers, but MMO staples like guilds or world bosses are locked to individual worlds. So here’s a Lost Ark servers list, reset times, and how to check if they’re down.

Server list

Lost Ark servers list

(Image credit: Smilegate RPG)Lost Ark server list 

Daily and weekly server resets happen at 1 am server time (or 2 am, depending on Daylight Savings), though the developers have stated that this might change, depending on how it works out in the live game. 

Here’s the current server list:

Central Europe 

  • Neria
  • Kadan
  • Trixion
  • Calvasus
  • Thirain
  • Zinnervale
  • Asta
  • Wei
  • Slen
  • Procyon
  • Sceptrum

North America: East 

  • Azena
  • Una
  • Regulus
  • Avesta
  • Galatur
  • Karta
  • Ladon
  • Kharmine

North America: West 

  • Mari
  • Valtan
  • Enviska
  • Akkan

South America 

  • Kazeros
  • Agaton


Lost Ark server status

(Image credit: Smilegate RPG)Lost Ark server status: How to know if the game is down 

If you’re having trouble connecting to the game, it could be down to busy servers or even maintenance, especially around launch. Luckily, you can check the server status on the official site, so you won’t have to waste time wondering if your connection is the problem. 

The Lost Ark Twitter account or Reddit are also good places to look if you can’t get to the status page for any reason.  

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