Here’s when Lost Ark unlocks in your timezone

The Lost Ark release time is fast approaching, so chances are you want to know exactly when you can jump into Arkesia. If you bought the Founder’s Pack you can start your journey right now. But if you’re waiting for the official release, you have a few days to sort out your supplies before jumping into the free-to-play MMO.
There’s no denying that it’s a looker, and our Lost Ark review should help you decide if there’s enough for you beneath its flashy surface before taking the plunge. Here are the Lost Ark release times and how that translates to each timezone.
Pre-download 🍿2/7 9 AM PT [12 PM ET/ 6 PM CET]Head Start 💅2/8 9 AM PT [12 PM ET/ 6 PM CET]LAUNCH 🐝2/11 9 AM PT [12 PM ET/ 6 PM CET]January 28, 2022
Lost Ark release times
Lost Ark’s “Head Start” access—available if you have the Founder’s Pack—started on February 8. Either way, you can pre-load the 56GB now ahead of the official launch on February 11. Here are the release times for each timezone:
- Los Angeles: 9 am PST
- New York: 12 pm ET
- London: 5 pm GMT
- Paris: 6 pm CET
If your timezone isn’t in the list above, this handy time converter will help you figure out when you can start playing.
As with any new MMO release, prepare yourself for possible queues and/or trouble connecting to the game. Steam has already run into issues as players rushed to pre-load the game, but fingers crossed that at least some of the initial problems ease by Friday. Just be aware that congestion is likely to peak again going into the weekend.