Here’s Whether Zenitsu Will Survive Or Die In Demon Slayer


Zenitsu will die or survive

Episode 9 of Demon Slayer surely got us on the edge of our seats. No doubt it was a great episode, but it was painful to see Zenitsu and other Demon Slayers in bad shape. Well, here’s your answer if you wonder if Zenitsu will die or survive.

Demon Slayers are facing hardship in killing the demons to the point where their lives are almost taken by the upper rank six demons, Daki and Gyutaro. Despite giving all they have got, they couldn’t do any damage to Gyutaro, and the demon is still in good shape. And as for the Demon Slayers, Inosuke is stabbed in the chest, and Tengen is lying on the floor with his hand chopped off.

When it comes to Zenitsu, he pushes Tanjiro off the roof to save him from the upcoming obi attacks of Daki. He puts his life in danger to save Tanjiro while the deadly obi attacks of Daki cut the house in half. Zenitsu tries to escape the situation, but the episode ends in a dramatic way and feels like it’s going to be an end for him.

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Zenitsu Survives The Attack

Fortunately, Zenitsu somehow survives Daki’s attack but struggles a lot being trapped beneath the ruins of the fallen house. Demon Slayer manga proves that Zenitsu still has a long way to go. Daki and Gyutaru are just other demons that Zenitsu is fighting against. In the near future, he will fight against Kaigaku (upper rank six demon) and defeat him all by himself.

Zenetsu will also engage in a battle against the demon king, Muzaan Kibutsuji. His fighting skills develop with each battle he fights, and later on, Zenitsu becomes a Hashira. He does not just fight Muzan, but he is actually able to severely injure him with his attacks. Zenitsu surpassed his limits in the fight and was able to use his Thunderclap and Flash: God Speed technique two times a day. So it’s confirmed that Zenitsu will stay with us till the end of the series.

The post Here’s Whether Zenitsu Will Survive Or Die In Demon Slayer by Daksh Chaudhary appeared first on DualShockers.

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