Heroic Games Launcher for Epic Games on Linux adds gamepad support


Making things even easier for the upcoming Steam Deck, the unofficial Heroic Games Launcher for Epic Games can now be navigated with a gamepad. Testing it out today, it works really nicely too. Just goes to show what amazing things a community can do, even when Epic doesn’t support Linux directly with their store.

You even get a nice on-screen keyboard show up for text input – very nice.


Other improvements in the Heroic 2.1.0 release include the app remembering window size and position, CTRL+F shortcut for the search bar in the library, a new Wine Downloader feature to easily get new versions of Wine-GE and Proton-GE, the app will check the status of Epic’s servers and give warnings on issues and a few other assorted UI updates and bug fixes.

Work is still in progress to support Flatpak / Flathub, once that is done installing this on a Steam Deck or any other Linux distribution should be super-simple.

You can find it on GitHub.

Article from GamingOnLinux.com taken from the RSS feed.

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