How Evolve Eevee Into Espeon In Pokemon Legends Arceus


Espeon is another form that Eevee can take when evolving in Pokemon Legends Arceus. Check out this guide to find out how to evolve Eevee into Espeon in Pokemon Legends Arceus. This way you don’t get the wrong Eeveeloution.

How Evolve Eevee Into Espeon In Pokemon Legends Arceus

First thing you will need to do is catch that Eevee. When you finally find an Eevee, you will have to increase your friendship rank with it. You can do this by fighting with it in your party, battling with it directly, or by giving it candy and muffins. When the happiness is high enough you will get the prompt that you can evolve Eevee, but don’t yet.

First you will want to check the moves of the Eevee. If you Eevee has a Fairy type move equipped then take it off. Evolving it with a Fairy move will get you something else. Once it has no Fairy type moves on it, you can then Evolve it during the DAY to get Esepon. If you want to change the time then you can go to a camp and make it daytime or morning to get what you need.

When you get Espeon you should check its moves as well. When they evolve they learn new attacks and they are worth using.

Check back soon for more Pokemon Legends Arceus guides.

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