How to Build an Underground Metro in Cities Skylines

All cities require multiple methods of transportation and travel, whether it’s for going to work or other reasons. It’s is also the case in Cities: Skylines, where you manage a single city. One of the public transportation methods is the metro.
Have you wondered how the metro work in Cities: Skylines? Thankfully, it’s not too hard to build an underground metro system. Read on to find out more about this efficient public transportation system.
What Is the Metro System in Cities: Skylines?
The metro service is a type of underground transportation, and you’ll find it highly beneficial for cities with dense populations or condensed towns. You’ll need a Metro Station first before you can place tunnels down. Tunnels are the equivalent to roads, and you need to loop the tunnels before citizens can travel in the metro.
Every International Airport in your city also has one Metro Station inside. You can connect it to other stations.
Before you unlock the Metro Station itself, you need to reach the Big Town Milestone. A Big Town has a base population of 7,000 citizens, which shows how much you have to work for it.
Once you reach the Milestone, you can spend 15,000 Cells on building your first Metro Station. It takes 240 Cells per week to maintain it. Other stats include:
- 160 meters3 of water consumption a week
- No pollution
- 50 noise pollution
Building a Metro Station will also unlock the Metro Tunnel. The tunnels are pretty cheap, though you’ll need plenty of them to keep a larger city connected. Here are the Metro Tunnel’s stats:
- 100 Cells to build
- 0.64 Cells of upkeep per week
- No pollution
- No noise pollution
By creating a loop of tunnels, your Metro System will be functional.
In the free Sunset Harbor update, Metro Tunnels gained two new functions. They are no longer underground-only; you can place them at ground level or on elevated platforms. This change makes height adjustment necessary in more recent versions.
Building an Underground Metro System
Once you have enough Cells and reach the Big Town Milestone, you’re ready to construct your underground metro system. Here’s how to do that:
- Build some Metro Stations around your city.
- Adjust the height of the Metro Tunnels so they’re below ground level.
- Connect the stations with underground Metro Tunnels.
- Repeat until you’re satisfied with the result.
Pressing Page Up or Page Down will change the Metro Tunnels’ height. You can mix tunnel heights as well if you want to have some at a grade.
In 2020, players found themselves unable to build underground Metro Tunnels. This glitch occurred due to an update to the original game. Many players enjoy modding Cities: Skylines, and this caused a problem.
With the glitch, the Metro Tunnels would disappear from the building menu, and players could not build underground Metro services as a result. The consensus is that the Fine Road Anarchy mod was the culprit. Players had to deactivate the mod or were unable to build Metro Tunnels.
No More Congestion
Congested cities aren’t fun to live in, making the Metro System in Cities: Skylines effective. Not only is the system versatile, but it also doesn’t cause much pollution to the environment. With a connected city, your citizens will thank you immensely as they thrive.
Did you encounter the problem with the Metro Tunnels? How elaborate are your Metro lines? Let us know in the comments section below.