How To Change Outfits In Pokemon Legends Arceus


Pokemon Legends Arceus Change Outfits

Like many past Pokemon games, the new Pokemon Legends Arceus lets you choose what your trainer is wearing during the game, and to do that you will need to know how to buy clothes and change outfits.

Pokemon has introduced more and more customization for trainers to the series over the years, allowing you to outfit your trainer how you see fit.

Pokemon Legends Arceus continues that trend by letting you choose just how your trainer looks, but you’re going to need some clothes to change up that look.

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Where To Buy Clothes

When you first start up Pokemon Legends Arceus, you will only be given options to select your gender and skin color. However, there is much more to the outfit system in the game.

To buy new clothes in Pokemon Legends Arceus, you need to head to Jubilife City and look for the Clothier that will open up after you join the Galaxy Expedition Team.

The clothing offerings vary in price depending on what they are, so make sure to save up your Poke Dollars so you can splurge on your look.

How To Change Outfits In Pokemon Legends Arceus

Pokemon games have varied in how you change outfits over the years, with Pokemon Legends Arceus not allowing you to do it from anywhere.

While you may hope to be able to just open the menu and change clothes, you will actually have to revisit the Clothier that you purchased clothes from to change outfits each time.

This is incredibly simple to do, so just head back to Jubilife City to the Clothier and get outfitted in your new clothes at any time.

Not only are there clothes to buy and change into, but you can also change your hairstyle in the game. This can be done in Jubilife City as well at the Hairdresser, which you should find pretty easily.

There are a couple of hair options besides style too, including hair color and eyebrow color. The good news is that you can do all of them in one place, so pick out the one you want and you are ready to head into battle with your new look.

The post How To Change Outfits In Pokemon Legends Arceus by Dean James appeared first on DualShockers.

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