How to change skins in Minecraft


How to change skins in Minecraft

How do you change skins in Minecraft? There are a lot of cool skins out there, allowing you to roam this popular open-world crafting game looking like anyone you fancy, Spider-Man? There are skins for that. Master Chief? Reporting in. The sky’s the limit, and you don’t even need any Minecraft mods to get it to work.

First thing’s first, you need to know what version of Minecraft you’re playing on. The differences between Minecraft Java and Bedrock are subtle, but can be quite profound on how you change skins in one of these. The new unified Minecraft launcher makes changing skins with Minecraft Java a lot easier, but for Minecraft Bedrock skins things are a little different, especially if you’re not playing on PC.

You also need to find something to kit out your avatar in the first place. Check out our favourite Minecraft skins to see our top picks of favourite skins, as well as download links as to where to grab the PNG files. You can also try creating your own, if you’re feeling brave. Here’s everything you need to know about changing skins in Minecraft.

RELATED LINKS: Minecraft console commands, Minecraft skins, Minecraft mods

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