How to craft a Heavy Ball in Pokémon: Legends Arceus:

Pokémon has introduced in-depth crafting in Legends Arceus, including crafting different kinds of Poké Balls. Here’s how you can craft a Heavy Ball.
Pokémon: Legends Arceus brings a whole host of new changes to the Pokémon franchise, including a nifty crafting feature. Though it isn’t the first time the Pokémon games have included crafting, this is the first in-depth full-on crafting system they’ve seen to date.
Much like in Pokémon HeartGold/Soul Silver, one of many items you’ll be able to craft as Poké Balls. There are a few different kinds, including a revamped Heavy Ball. Here’s everything you need to know to craft one for yourself!
Heavy Balls are pretty easy to craft in the game, as the only recipe difference between a regular Poké Ball and a Heavy Ball is the type of Tumblestone.
In order to craft a Heavy Ball, you’ll need two items: one Apricorn and one Black Tumblestone. Both of these items can easily be found out in the wild – Apricorns grow on trees, while Black Tumblestones can be found scattered in the Obsidian Fields. Though, if you’re ever in a pinch, Craftworks in Jubilife Village will also have them to buy.
Once you obtain at least one of each item, you can use a workbench to begin crafting. Conveniently, Craftworks also has an accessible workbench, as will any Base Camps.
Once you reach one, you’ll be able to select the Heavy Ball on the lefthand side of the screen to craft it. In case you ever forget what materials you need, the workbench menu will tell you exactly what items are required, and how many.
And that’s it! Now you can combine the Apricorn and the Black Tumblestone to craft as many Heavy Balls as you desire.
Screengrab via Nintendo
Heavy Balls are a particular type of Poké Ball that will be especially effective against Pokémon that haven’t noticed you. As the name implies, the trade-off for the advantage is a heavier Poké Ball, meaning they won’t fly as far as a regular one. Though, if you’re more inclined to using stealth, the Heavy Ball will be the perfect capture tool for you.
Additionally, Pokémon is offering a special Heavy Ball Nintendo eShop offer for players who pre-order the game. Any players who purchase and download Pokémon Legends: Arceus from the eShop before May 9, 2022 can redeem an in-game code for 30 Heavy Balls, giving them a head start in their Pokémon journey. You can check out the Pokémon Legends: Arceus website here for more information!
Pokémon Legends: Arceus is officially out to play on January 28, 2022 for the Switch.
The post How to craft a Heavy Ball in Pokémon: Legends Arceus: by Natalie Schmidt appeared first on DualShockers.