How to craft in Pokémon Legends: Arceus – Pokéballs, Potions, Revives & more

how-to-craft-in-pokemon-legends:-arceus-– pokeballs,

Pokémon Legends: Arceus has finally added a much-wanted system to the franchise: crafting. Now, instead of having to buy Pokéballs from the Pokémart, you can make them out in the field — the same goes for most of your in-battle items, from Potions to Full Restores and Max Revives.

To do this you need three things: the recipe, the components and a crafting bench. Here’s how to do crafting in Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Where to find crafting benches in Pokémon Legends: Arceus

This is where you go when you need to make something — if you’re surprised to hear that then I don’t know what to tell you.

There are two types of bench — one that allows you to pull from your item box, that you will find in your village and in your camps out in the field; and another that you travel with, but only lets you use items that you have in your very small satchel.

Pokemon Arceus Crafting Bench Guide

Since Arceus has limited-space item storage, crafting becomes a useful way of making space in a pinch. If you’re short on space, there’s a merchant in the Galaxy Team HQ that expands your storage space, for an ever-increasing (eventually extortionate) price. They remind me of a certain entrepreneurial racoon!

How to get more crafting recipes in Arceus

These are pretty easy to come by — there’s a merchant in your village who sells recipes for crafting. While you don’t need to buy them all (I’ve never bothered with Dire Hits or Aux Guards, and I never will), make sure you buy the ones you know you will want to use, because you can’t make anything without them.

Pokemon Arceus Crafting Shop Guide

You also get given recipes on a fairly rapid basis — first for increasing your research level (the equivalent of beating gyms), and unlocking new Pokéballs in the process. This will be your primary concern, because you go through Pokéballs at an incredible rate in this game.

The second free way of getting recipes is from side missions, which tend to be food-based recipes for items you can toss at Pokémon to coax them towards you. Make these if you want, but by and large, the base catch rate is low enough that I very rarely used food unless it was for a specific Pokédex Research Task.

What Components do you need for crafting?

In order to craft items, you need to gather the necessary components. This is where things get a bit tricky, so let’s look at the three main categories and where you need to focus your efforts.


This is where things get tricky. Pokéballs, for example, require 1 Apricorn and 1 Tumblestone, while Ultra Balls require 1 Apricorn, 2 Tumblestones and 2 Iron Chunks.

All of these items can be gathered in the field, but if you’re not constantly grabbing them as you explore, you will run out. Since all Pokéballs need an Apricorn each, gathering these is your biggest priority.

To collect these, simply approach the thing you’re trying to harvest and throw a Pokéball at it — your handy partner will take care of the rest. A single tree will land you around 5 Apricorns, so it’s not the slowest to accumulate, but it is something you will need to remember to do as you play!

Pokemon Arceus Crafting Guide Resources

Medicinal items

Potions are also created out in the field, using the plants you find around you. A potion requires 1 Oran Berry and 1 Medicinal Leek, while a Super Potion requires 1 Potion and 1 Pep-Up Plant. Combine that with a Vivichoke for a Hyper Potion. Similarly Revives require a Vivichoke and a Medicinal Leek.

If all of this sounds like a lot to remember, don’t worry — it’s all laid out very simply for you in the Crafting page.


You can also craft a variety of other items, from food you can throw to Pokémon to dolls you can sell for cash to buy more recipes and components. Make these as and when you need them, but you probably won’t want to focus on these.

Pro tips

  • Focus on Apricorns, Tumblestones and lron Chunks, as these are the basis for your Pokéball collection
  • Oran Berries and Leeks make potions, while Vivichokes and Leeks make Revives
  • Pick up everything that’s not nailed down and stick it in storage at your base camp
  • Craft things as and when you need to, and when you need space out in the field
  • Don’t forget to check the recipe store when you return to the village after an expedition!

More Pokémon Legends: Arceus Guides from TheSixthAxis

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