How to defeat Gunnar and get the Mythic Stinger submachine gun in Fortnite

Fortnite fans have become familiar with boss fights in the battle royale. Chapter 3: Season 1 has already had players take on The Foundation at the Sanctuary. Now, another boss has arrived on the island named Gunnar. Defeating him will grant you the Mythic Stinger submachine gun to use in your Fortnite matches. You will find Gunnar roaming around Covert Cavern, which is the latest point of interest to join the Fortnite island. There are multiple ways you can get inside of the IO base. You may want to avoid the southern entrance, though, as it’s locked down by many IO guards. Defeating Gunnar will be a difficult task. He’s equipped with a hefty amount of health and shields, and he has a powerful punch attack. He’s also wielding the Mythic Stinger submachine gun that you are trying to get your hands on. Tips to take out Gunnar and acquire the Mythic Stinger submachine gun Before entering Covert Cavern, you may benefit from gathering as many weapons and healing…