How to Evolve Hisuian Sneasel to Get Sneasler in Pokémon: Legends Arceus


PokemonLegendsArceus Evolution

Here’s our guide on evolving Hisuian Sneasel to Sneasler in Pokémon: Legends Arceus!

One of the many new Hisuian forms Pokémon: Legends Arceus introduces is Hisuian Sneasel, a Poison/Fighting-type version of the original Sneasel. With a new color palette and new moves, Hisuian Sneasel almost looks like a completely different Pokémon in the new region.

Even further, Hisuian Sneasel actually has its own unique evolution. Rather than evolving into Weavile like in previous games, Hisuian Sneasel will evolve into Sneasler. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know to evolve your own Sneasler!

Pokémon Legends: Arceus | Rare footage of the Hisui region Trailer

Pokémon Legends: Arceus | Rare footage of the Hisui region Trailer


To start evolving your Hisuian Sneasel, the first thing you’ll need is a Razor Claw. Normally an item that helps boost a Pokémon’s critical hit ratio, Razor Claws have also been used to evolve Sneasel since Generation IV.

In Pokémon: Legends Arceus, you’ll be able to buy Razor Claws from Simona at the Trading Post in Jubilife Village. This’ll require a special in-game currency called Merit Points. You can collect these by trading Pokémon with other players, or completing special quests and requests in the game. One of the easiest ways of collecting Merit Points is finding and returning Lost Packs.

Pokemon Legends Arceus Trading Post

One Razor Claw will run you 1400 Merit Points, so you’ll want to make sure to set aside some time to collect them. Simply purchase the Razor Claw from Simona and it’ll appear in your inventory.

So, you’ve got the Razor Claw! Nice! That’s half of the requirements filled, and the next part is much easier than the first. All that’s left is for you to use the Razor Claw on Hisuian Sneasel to start the evolution. But, before you try to use the Razor Claw, make sure it is daytime in-game. Unlike previous Pokémon games, Hisuian Sneasel can only evolve during the day.

Go to your Satchel inventory – it will resemble the image below, only there’ll be a Razor Claw in an inventory spot on the left-hand side. Select the Razor Claw, then select “Use.” Once you do, an icon saying “Compatible” will appear next to Sneasel’s name.

PokemonLegendsArceus InventoryA Look at the Inventory. The Razor Claw will appear on the left-hand side, while Sneasel will be among your Pokémon on the right.

Then, select Sneasel, and the game will tell you “Sneasel is ready to evolve!” Selecting “Do it now!” will start the evolution sequence, and the Hisuian Sneasel will evolve into Sneasler!

And that’s all it takes! Look out for DualShockers’ other guides on Pokémon: Legends Arceus for more helpful information.

Pokémon: Legends Arceus is out to play on Switch on January 28, 2022.

The post How to Evolve Hisuian Sneasel to Get Sneasler in Pokémon: Legends Arceus by Natalie Schmidt appeared first on DualShockers.

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