How To Evolve Murkrow Into Honchkrow In Pokemon Legends Arceus

Pokemon Legends Arceus includes a lot of different evolution methods, with there being a specific one necessary to evolve Murkrow into Honchkrow.
The majority of Pokemon evolutions just simply require you to level them up to where they are able to evolve.
Others need special evolution items to be able to evolve, of which Murkrow is one of in Pokemon Legends Arceus.
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Who Is Murkrow?
Murkrow is a Dark/Flying type Pokemon that was introduced during Gen II in Pokemon Gold and Silver, but had no evolution at the time.
That changed upon the release of Diamond and Pearl, where Honchkrow was introduced for the first time. Like Murkrow, Honchkrow is a Dark/Flying type as well.
Getting Murkrow to evolve into Honchkrow isn’t that difficult, but you just need to know the right requirements to pull off the evolution.
How To Evolve Murkrow Into Honchkrow
There are some evolutions in Pokemon Legends Arceus that are a little different from the mainline series, but the majority of them are spot on with the past.
Murkrow happens to fall into the latter category, with the evolution method to get to Honchkrow being the exact same as its been since its debut in Gen IV.
Leveling up Murkrow will not help you at all in evolving into Honchkrow, as we instead need a specific item to give it. That item is known as the Dusk Stone, just as before.
Like many of the other evolution stones, you will need to head to Jubilife City and the Trading Post to exchange 1,200 Merit Points in exchange for the Dusk Stone. Use it on Murkrow and then it will evolve into Honchkrow.
The post How To Evolve Murkrow Into Honchkrow In Pokemon Legends Arceus by Dean James appeared first on DualShockers.