How To Evolve Riolu Into Lucario In Pokemon Legends Arceus


How To Evolve Riolu Into Lucario

Pokemon Legends Arceus features many fan favorite Pokemon and one of those is definitely Lucario, so you’re going to want to know just how to evolve Riolu into Lucario in the game.

Like the rest of the series, there are many different ways to evolve Pokemon besides the basic level up to evolve them.

Evolving Riolu into Lucario falls into this category of different ways to evolve as well, which will require you to take great care of your Riolu to evolve it.

  • MORE: Find out how to evolve Electabuzz into Electivire.
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Who Are Riolu and Lucario?

Both Riolu and Lucario were introduced in the fourth generation Pokemon Diamond and Pearl and quickly became fan favorites, especially with Lucario itself.

This popularity even led to Lucario being added to the Super Smash Bros. series as a replacement essentially for Mewtwo that was cut in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, showing just how popular Lucario really has been.

Starting as just a Fighting type with Riolu, Lucario gains an additional typing and is a Fighting/Steel. This is a very interesting typing, so knowing how to evolve Riolu into Lucario is something all players will want to do in Pokemon Legends Arceus.

How To Evolve Riolu Into Lucario In Pokemon Legends Arceus

As we said above, you can’t evolve Riolu into Lucario just by leveling it up to a specific level, though it is entirely possible it will just happen to evolve eventually. This is because you may have inadvertently met the requirements for evolution, which we will break down for you.

To evolve Riolu into Lucario, you will have to raise its friendship level to be very high. Once this happens, it will evolve into Lucario the next time it grows a level.

Raising Riolu’s friendship level can be done in a few different ways too, including using it in battle a lot and never letting it faint. In addition, feed it EXP Candy as well to help up its friendship level.

Evolving Riolu to Lucario is even easier than ever in Pokemon Legends Arceus too, as there are no requirements for it being day or night compared to past games. This means you can feel free to work on evolving your Riolu at anytime while raising its friendship level.

The post How To Evolve Riolu Into Lucario In Pokemon Legends Arceus by Dean James appeared first on DualShockers.

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