How To Get All Starter Pokemon In Pokemon Legends Arceus


There are three starters in Arceus, Rowlet, Cyndaquil, and Oshawott. This guide on How To Get All Starter Pokemon In Pokemon Legends Arceus will tell you how you can obtain all three of the starter Pokemon, regardless of what Pokemon you chose, without having to trade with other players or use online functionalities.

The choice of picking your starter Pokemon has always been a topic of hot debate with every new Pokemon game that gets released however, Arceus plays very differently to other Pokemon games. Simply charging into battle with a squad of glass cannons isn’t going to get the job done, so it’s now more important than ever to have a robust selection of Pokemon at your disposal, giving you the tools to take down every challenge put in your path. The starters always represent some of the stronger Pokemon of those types, so it’s a good thing you can get all of them in Arceus.

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How To Get All Starter Pokemon In Pokemon Legends Arceus

Sadly however, it’s not something you can do quickly. Whether you pick Rowlet, Cyndaquil, or Oshawott, the method of obtaining the other two starting Pokemon in Pokemon Legends Arceus is identical. You need to complete the entire story first. You don’t need to do the mission to get Arceus, you just need to finish the main story so the credits roll.

After you have watched the credits, which you can’t skip, return to Jubilife Town and head to the Galactic Hall. Head into the Professors room and, as always, he’ll be standing next to his request board. Speak with him and he will offer for you to take the Pokemon out of his lab. Whatever Pokemon you chose at the start, he will give you the other two starting Pokemon.

This would be the perfect time to use our leveling up fast guide to get your starters up to par!

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The post How To Get All Starter Pokemon In Pokemon Legends Arceus appeared first on GamersHeroes.

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