How To Get Scyther Evolution Kleavor In Pokemon Legends Arceus


Pokemon Legends Kleavor

Pokemon Legends Arceus has shown off a number of new Pokemon forms for existing Pokemon, but one of the most exciting of all is a brand new evolution for Scyther known as Kleavor.

Across the last few generations of games, we have been introduced to many different variations and even evolutions of past Pokemon within the Alola and Galar regions.

This has included us getting new evolutions for Pokemon like Farfetch’d and Mr. Mime, but now it’s Scyther’s turn with the all new Kleavor.

  • MORE: Get details on the accompanying Legends Arceus anime special.
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Pokémon Legends Arceus | Hisuian Voltorb’s Trailer

Who Is Kleavor?

Scyther was originally introduced right from the start back in Pokemon Red and Blue as a Bug/Flying type Pokemon that was one of the more uncommon ones to find in the games.

This was followed a generation later in Gold and Silver with the fan favorite evolution Scizor, which was the interesting Bug/Steel type.

Not including the Mega Evolution of Scizor, it has been more than 20 years now, but Scyther is getting yet another brand new evolution with the Bug/Rock type Kleavor in Pokemon Legends Arceus as players venture to the Hisui Region.

Kleavor has a really cool design with a mostly tan and white body, along with mark markings on its upper body and head, as well as with the two axe arms.

How To Get Kleavor In Pokemon Legends Arceus

With Kleavor being one of the brand new Pokemon in Pokemon Legends Arceus, there is no question that players will want to know just how to get one in the game.

One of the new features in Pokemon Legends Arceus are what are known as Noble Pokemon that you come across. Kleavor is in fact one of these Noble Pokemon that you will come across, which require you to battle them.

You will have to use some strategy to be able to defeat Kleavor, including throwing Forest Balms at it to lower its shield to be able to eventually throw a Poke Ball at it.

You can also evolve a Scyther to Kleavor as well, which will require you to obtain the item known as Black Augurite. Once you have that item, you will be able to use it on Scyther and get your very own Kleavor through evolution.

The post How To Get Scyther Evolution Kleavor In Pokemon Legends Arceus by Dean James appeared first on DualShockers.

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