How To Get The Grappling Hook In Dying Light 2


In Dying Light 2, the grappling hook changes the way you get around the world almost as much as the glider, greatly increasing your reach across gaps where your hands and feet just couldn’t be enough on their own. You’ll get the grappling hook at a particular moment in the game, so here’s what you’ll want to look out for so you know the game is ready to finally give it to you.

Dying Light 2 grappling hook – how to unlock

The grappling hook is unmissable in the main story of Dying Light 2. You’ll get it during the mission called Broadcast, which sees you heading into the Garrison Electrical Station, fighting with renegades, solving the building’s complex platforming puzzle, before eventually scaling the building with your new grappling hook.

This comes about 20 hours into the main story on a typical playthrough with some sightseeing and side-questing, though if you wanted to dash to the grappling hook, you could reasonably get there in about 10-12 hours. It’s one of several Nightrunner Tools that Aiden adds to his toolbelt throughout the game, though it behaves quite differently from the grapple bow Kyle Crane had in the first game of the series.

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