How to Join & Leave Party In Lost Ark


Lost Ark 68

Lost Ark has quickly become the next big sensation in the video gaming industry, by breaking some impressive records.

  • MORE: How to Play Lost Ark On Mac

Like with many other games out there players can play with Lost Ark with their friends. However, there is no tutorial available to detail the entire process to play with your friends. If you want to play with friends, you need to create a party. It might be a bit tricky at first but once you get the hang of it, you should be able to invite your friends with ease. Here is how to leave and to join the party in Lost Ark.

How to Join & Leave Party In Lost Ark

To join a party in Lost Ark, you need to follow the given steps.

  • Firstly, you need to locate the Community tab in the bottom right. Click on it to join or create a party.
  • Now, you can simply invite players by right clicking on it and then selecting Invite to Party. When you do this, an invite will be sent to the player you selected. If they join, your party will automatically be created.
  • If you want to join somebody else’s party you need to make sure that you have an invite, and you can get that by asking the party leader.

To leave a party in Lost Ark, players need to follow the given steps.

  • Leaving a party is a bit tricky in Lost Ark, so players get a bit confused. Firsty you need to find your name and health bar, which is located at the very side of the screen.
  • Now you need to hold Control and then right click your name to open up a dialog box, Select Leave party to leave the party.
  • This will make you leave the party. If you are the party leader you can press Ctrl and then right click to kick players from your group.

The post How to Join & Leave Party In Lost Ark by Md Armughanuddin appeared first on DualShockers.

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