How to Level Up Pets in RLCraft


RLCraft is one of the most popular and expansive modpacks for Minecraft, giving players options not even conceivable in the original game. One of the many introduced mechanics is taming wild creatures and even making some of them into Pets.

How to Level Up Pets in RLCraft

Tamed creatures, including Pets and Mounts, can level up, increasing their overall power and durability. However, this process is relatively obscure unless you know where to look. We’re here to help you level up your precious beasts in RLCraft and make them more combat-ready.

Leveling Up Pets in RLCraft

Leveling up your pets in RLCraft is a relatively simple ordeal. You’ll need some element charges that are aligned with your Pet’s (or Mount’s) element. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Open your Inventory or Crafting menu.
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  2. Click on the Soulgazer icon on the top right (green crystal with purple edges) to open the Beastiary.
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  3. Select the Pet tab in the menu.
    pet tab
  4. The Pet tab itself lists all animals that the player can use, regardless of their actual classification. Find the animal you want to level up.
  5. The information you need is its aligned element. For example, Rocs are Order-aligned.
  6. If you have the appropriate element charge in your Inventory, great. If not, you’ll need to find some by defeating element-aligned monsters for their drops. It might take some effort (and your Pet or Mount dying in the process), so be prepared.
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  7. Put the required element charge in your hand (i.e., make them the active item in your Inventory), then exit the Inventory.
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  8. Right-click on the Pet while holding the element charge to level it up.

You can use the Beastiary to check for more information on elements and charges:

  1. Open the Beastiary tab.
    elemnts sections
  2. Select the Elements section.
    beastiary tab
  3. This section shows what element charges correspond to which element.
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Some charges fit multiple elements, and some elements have numerous charges for them. However, some are woefully rare. For example, you need an Order-element charge to level up a Roc, which only comes from an Arcane Laser Storm Charge, which drops from a slain Beholder.

To find out where you can get a specific charge, you can use the Creatures tab in the Beastiary to cross-reference element combinations and possible loot.

You only get information about a creature once you’ve encountered the creature and stood next to it for at least a second. You don’t have to kill it, though.

If you want to get more information about a creature, like its combat statistics and where to encounter them, you need to kill them many times, tame them, or use a Soulgazer on them.

Soulgazers can be crafted from four Bones, four Gold Ingots, and a Diamond. Use the crafting table, place the Diamond in the middle, Bones in a cross, and Ingots on the edges. The Soulgazer is not required to access the Beastiary itself but can be used as a shortcut for more information (and allows you to stay further away).

Take Care of Pets in RLCraft

While leveling up Pets might sound simple on paper, getting the necessary element charges can be more trouble than it’s worth for ill-equipped players. However, that’s the only way to grow in this great mod, and we highly recommend challenging yourself with these tasks to get better over time.

If you want more Minecraft guides and information on various Minecraft mods, check out our other articles or our official YouTube channel.

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