How to Play Apex Legends’ New 9v9 Control Mode


Apex Legends’ Control is a limited-time game mode that Respawn Entertainment is experimenting with. After trying out the new mode in the closed beta for Season 12, content creators are already requesting the devs to make the game mode a permanent part of Apex.

With Respawn adding Arenas last year, we know that the devs will not shy away from adding yet another game mode Apex. Until then, we have to enjoy Control as long as it lasts. If you are wondering how the new mode differs from Arenas and the standard battle royale mode, here is everything you need to know.

How to play Control in Apex Legends

Control is the first big team mode in Apex Legends. You can queue with a party of three but your team will have a total of nine players who will go up against another team of nine. Death is no longer permanent and you can respawn as many times as you want during a game. As of now, there will be two maps available in Season 12 – Barometer from Storm Point and Hammond Labs on Olympus.

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Apex Legends – Control

While choosing your spawn, you can also change legends or loadouts to switch up your playstyle. The battlefield shifts quickly and you need to be able to adapt. You can also change optics to suit your playstyle. There are no limits to how many copies of the same legend a team can have.

Unlike battle royale, where being the last team alive is all that matters, Control completely changes things around. To win:

  1. You need to fight for zones, capture them, and control them as long as possible.

  2. Earning possession of a zone nets you points.

  3. The more zones your team holds, the more points you are awarded when securing kills.

  4. The first team that gets to the 1250 score limit wins the game.

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Apex Legends – Control

To make the gameplay feel fast-paced, your shields will constantly recharge when not taking damage. All weapons have infinite ammo which means you can fire away without worrying about your ammo economy. Care package weapons will continue to spawn but they will not have unlimited ammo.

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Apex Legends – Control

The new mode will be available starting 8th February. Season 12 will also launch on the same day with a brand new battle pass, the game’s newest legend Mad Maggie, and a reworked version of the Olympus map.

Also Read: Apex Legends Announces Season 12 and Three-Year Anniversary Event

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