How to safely overclock your PC’s GPU and CPU

If you’re looking to get more performance out of your PC, you’ll want to consider overclocking some of your existing components such as your CPU and GPU. Overclocking typically involves increasing the speed at which your components run in order to get more performance without needing to purchase new hardware. While overclocking can provide noticeable bumps in performance at no extra cost aside from some additional power consumption, there are still a few things to keep in mind in order to safely overclock your PC. By overclocking a component, you may void the warranty provided by its manufacturer by running it outside of the recommended specifications. Overclocking your PC also tends to generate more heat depending on how far you push your components. If your build doesn’t have proper cooling, this could reduce the lifespan of your components, or even damage them. The stock cooler that may have come with your CPU usually won’t be sufficient to safely overclock, so …