How To Throw Pokeballs In Battle In Pokemon Legends Arceus


If you’ve been playing Pokemon Legends Arceus for a bit then you probably have tried to throw a Pokeball in combat. Check out this guide to find out how to throw Pokeballs in battle in Pokemon Legends Arceus. This way you can catch the Pokemon that you put to sleep or paralyze.

How To Throw Pokeballs In Battle In Pokemon Legends Arceus

Make sure that you have some Pokeballs or some other type of ball to throw before going into combat. When you get into combat, you need to press X and switch to your Pokeballs. Frm there if you hit the ZR button you will be able to toss a Pokeball, just like in the field. You might be confused because you keep pressing A and are attacking instead of tossing the ball.

If you need to switch targets you can use the ZL button in combat and toss the ball after. This is also how you throw out different Pokemon. Switch to the Pokemon you want to throw out and then toss it with the ZR button. Just remember that if you toss a new Pokemon out it might get hit right away due to turn order.

Check back soon for more Pokemon Legends Arceus guides.

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