How to Use Corrupted Leaves in Monster Legends


You’ve likely seen mysterious purple leaves used as building blocks or decorations by other players in Monster Legends. You may have even obtained them while exploring the deepest levels under the ground. Now, you’re likely wondering how to get benefits other than a visual appeal from Corrupted Leaves.

How to Use Corrupted Leaves in Monster Legends

In this guide, we’ll explain how to obtain and use Corrupted Leaves. We’ll share instructions on making powerful fuel to harden and melt materials in the forge and using the leaves for building. Read on to find out how you can utilize Corrupted Leaves most effectively.

How to Obtain Corrupted Leaves

Corrupted Leaves can be obtained from the Corruption layer. It’s the deepest layer in the game, located even deeper than Lava Layer. You’ll need to own a Diamond Mining Cell to access it since Corrupted Blocks can’t be bombed with regular mines. The leaves are purple and, unsurprisingly, have a leaf pattern. They’re attached to the stems of Corrupted Wood, and you’ll find them on the floor, ceiling, and walls of the Corrupted layer.

Alternatively, you can craft Corrupted Leaves by mining regular leaves with Corrupted Bombs. Before you can unlock the recipe of Corrupted Bombs, you should know how to craft a Lumite Mining Cell, Corruption Dust ad Armor-Piercing Bombs. The recipe requires five Corrupted Stones, two Corruption Dust, two Gunpowder, and one Bar of Lumite.

5 3How to Use Corrupted Leaves

Now that you’ve obtained Corrupted Leaves, it’s time to start using them. First, they make a great decoration and building material. To rotate a block of corrupted Leaves in any direction, press and hold the “R” key. Then, move your cursor while holding the left mouse button in any direction. Be aware, though, that Corrupted Creatures may spawn on the leaves during the night. Corrupted Leaves can be displayed in containers such as Wood Planters, Flower Pots, and Holiday Decorative Trees. However, in this case, they can’t be resized, rotated, or burnt.

Decorations aren’t the primary goal of obtaining Corrupted Leaves, of course. These leaves are an excellent fuel, thanks to the Level 3 heating factor. The only fuel source that’s better than Corrupted Leaves is Level 10 food cans.

To make Level 3 fuel, you’ll need four Corrupted Leaves and two Corrupted Wood. Not any Corrupted Leaves will do, though. You must obtain either Corrupted Ashenwood Leaves or Corrupted Elderwood Leaves as other types turn into regular Corrupted Leaves when picked up.

A forge lets you harden and melt materials such as Ores, Beeswax, and Chizzard Gizzard. To use Level 3 fuel made from Corrupted Leaves in the forge, first hit the “F” key to open fuel inventory. Right-click the material you wish to use in the forge, then the fuel. Afterward, you only have to wait while the chosen material melts or hardens.

6 3Fuel It Up

Now that you know the features of Corrupted Leaves, you can use them for forging and building rather than only planting them in pots. This hard-to-obtain material is undoubtedly valuable and versatile. But if you’re looking for a potent fuel, learn more about Tar Food. It’s easier to craft, and it makes forging even quicker.

What’s the most exciting thing you encountered in the Corrupt layer? Share your experiences in the comments section below.

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