If we have to have a million new Star Wars games, let them be made by Respawn

Although announcing three games at once feels a bit much, I’m really happy about the Respawn feat. Star Wars news. Respawn Entertainment always felt like one of those development studios that should have been shut down by a bigger studio circa 2015 because the people loved Titanfall but it wasn’t, you know, Call Of Duty or anything. I turned my back for what seemed like but a moment, and suddenly Apex Legends exists and Respawn are one of the key players under EA, growing stronger from within. One day we’ll be watching Andrew Wilson at an E3 showcase and realise it’s actually Vince Zampella’s eyes looking out at us. Everyone coming on stage to present is just Vince Zampella doing a voice and wearing a different baseball cap.
Point is, I’m mostly just pleased that Respawn are still around to make games featuring robots that surprise and delight us. And if they’re not allowed to do Titanfall 3, Star Wars is at least a rich field to till said robots. Lousy with robots, is Star Wars. But honestly, if anyone is going to make Star Wars games (apart from BioWare, who have spent recent years making Dragon Age 4 and / or collapsing like a magnificent neutron star) then I’d root for Respawn. They may not make the Star Wars games you think you want, but they’ll make the ones you need right now.