Is There a Shiny Litleo in Pokemon GO January 2022 Spotlight Hour?


pokemon go litleo

Pokemon Go‘s first Spotlight Hour for the month of February is all set to commence soon and fans are curious to know the complete details of the same.

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For the first Spotlight Hour of Pokemon, we have Litleo as the featured Pokemon. The Spotlight Hour will commence at 6 pm local time on Tuesday and will be lasting until 7 pm local time. So players will be getting only one hour to catch as many Litleo as they can and get the bonuses as well. During the event’s duration, players will be seeing a lot more Litleo than usual. As far as the event bonus is concerned, you will get twice the XP you normally get for evolving Pokemon, which will enable you to level up quite quickly.

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Is There a Shiny Litleo in Pokemon GO January 2022 Spotlight Hour?

Litleo is a Fire and Normal-type Pokemon that was added in Generation VI. It hails from the Kalos region and evolves into Pyroar. It’s been a while since Litleo was a part of the Spotlight Hour, so fans would be quite excited to get the Pokemon this time around.

Coming to the most important aspect of every Spotlight Hour, is the Pokemon Shiny? Well, unfortunately, for this week the featured Pokemon is not shiny. This is quite different from what we had witnessed in the past few weeks, as we have seen a large number of shiny Pokemon being a part of the Spotlight Hour. For this week, you have no chance of catching a Shiny Litleo as it has not been added to the game yet. Niantic could add it in the future, but there is no certainty that it will happen since there are many Pokemon without their shiny variants in the game.

The post Is There a Shiny Litleo in Pokemon GO January 2022 Spotlight Hour? by Md Armughanuddin appeared first on DualShockers.

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