Is There a Shiny Spritzee in Pokemon GO February 2022 Spotlight Hour?


shiny spritzee

Pokemon Go is all set to feature an exciting Pokemon in this week’s Spotlight Hour and fans are eager to learn more about it.

The Lunar New Year event just concluded in Pokemon Go and fans got to get a number of rewards for themselves. We also witnessed the arrival of an all-new shiny Pokemon in the game, which was Shiny Litleo. Litleo also got a spotlight Hour, so a number of players got their hands on the Pokemon.

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Is There a Shiny Spritzee in Pokemon GO February 2022 Spotlight Hour?

For the second Spotlight Hour of Pokemon Go for February, we have Spritzee as the featured Pokemon. It’s been a while since we have seen Spritzee as the featured Pokemon so fans would be quite excited for this. As usual, the event kicks off at 6 pm local time and will be going on until 7 pm local time. Players will be seeing Spritzee twice the number of times they usually see it, so that is something that will give you a great chance to catch the Pokemon if you don’t have it already.

Spritzee is a Fairy-type Pokémon that was added all the way back in Generation VI. It hails from the much-loved Kalos region. Spritzee evolves into Aromatisse, and that is the final evolution of the Pokemon.

Now coming to the most important part, whether a shiny variant of the Pokemon exists in the game or not. Well, unfortunately, it doesn’t. This would be quite disappointing for many fans out there, but there is no Shiny Spritzee in Pokemon Go as of now. We don’t know when Niantic will be adding the shiny variant in the game, so if you are looking for one, you might have to wait a while.

The post Is There a Shiny Spritzee in Pokemon GO February 2022 Spotlight Hour? by Md Armughanuddin appeared first on DualShockers.

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