King of Fighters 15 Isn’t the King of File Size on PS5


Surprisingly big for a fighter.

King of Fighters XV is only a couple of weeks away from its PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 launch. The solid-looking team-based brawler is set to be an extremely important title for SNK, as the veteran developer seeks to solidify its position on the modern fighting game pantheon. The new Samuari Shodown was great — aside from the rough online netcode — and we’re hoping that King of Fighters XV is even better.

You might need to free up some space on your SSD if you plan on snagging the PS5 version, however. As reported by the ever-reliable PlayStation Game Size, King of Fighters XV is a chunky download — especially for a fighting game. It weighs in at just over 68GB on Sony’s current-gen system, and that’s without a day one patch.

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