Latest trailer for Destiny 2: The Witch Queen focuses on weapons and crafting


Destiny 2 The Witch Queen weapons exoticsThe latest trailer for Destiny 2‘s upcoming expansion, The Witch Queen, shows off some exciting stuff. The trailer focuses on a few of the new weapons coming to the game, and provides a look at the weapon crafting system, which finally gives players greater control over their arsenal. Weapon crafting is a feature that has been eagerly anticipated by Destiny 2 players since its announcement. For a while now, the longevity and effectiveness of a player’s equipment has depended on a swiftly changing meta, and frequent sunsetting of gear. With the arrival of weapon crafting, though, players should be able to have far more control over their loadouts.   Destiny 2‘s letting players have more power As of now, there aren’t too many more details on weapon crafting beyond what we know already. The trailer did, however, show off some of the new exotics coming with the expansion. The first weapon shown off in the trailer is called the Grand Overture. This impressive…

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