League of Legends Janna Build Guide

Here is a post about Janna champion from League of Legends. You will find brief information with tips and tips on how to play Janna. Read our Janna build and cheat sheet. In our League of Legends builds you will see the most popular and universal variation of any build.

All League of Legends Janna Skins
Armed with the power of Runeterra’s gales, Janna is a mysterious, elemental wind spirit who protects the dispossessed of Zaun. Some believe she was brought into existence by the pleas of Runeterra’s sailors who prayed for fair winds as they navigated treacherous waters and braved rough tempests. Her favor and protection has since been called into the depths of Zaun, where Janna has become a beacon of hope to those in need. No one knows where or when she will appear, but more often than not, she’s come to help.
The Storm’s Fury Janna is one of the most popular champions in LoL. Her main role is a support and you will see her supporting on bot lane. Every champion in League of Legends has its uniqueness determined by his skills.
Janna gains bonus Move Speed moving towards allied champions and nearby allied champions gain this bonus when moving toward her.
Howling Gale
By creating a localized change in pressure and temperature, Janna is able to create a small storm that grows in size with time. She can activate the spell again to release the storm. On release this storm will fly towards the direction it was cast in, dealing damage and knocking away any enemies in its path.
Janna summons an air elemental that passively increases her Move Speed and enables her to pass through units. She may also activate this ability to deal damage and slow an enemy’s Move Speed. The passive is lost while this ability is on cooldown.
Eye Of The Storm
Janna conjures a defensive gale that shields an ally champion or turret from incoming damage and increases their Attack Damage.
Janna surrounds herself in a magical storm, throwing enemies back. After the storm has settled, soothing winds heal nearby allies while the ability is active.
Counter Picks and Janna’s Win Rate
It is great when you know how to play a champion. But much in LoL depends on counter picks. On the stage when you choose and ban champions you should ban the ones that can counter Janna and vice versa if you see that Janna is strong against the enemy team’s carry you’ll need to pick Janna.
Some players prefer to know the win and lose rate of the champion before trying to play her. You can see Janna counter picks and win rate in the toolkit via the image above.
Janna Best Build
Below you can see the best build for LoL Janna which is calculated on the average winning builds in the Platinum+ league. All builds that we share automatically update when new changes or patches appear. What you see below is the build for Janna as support.
As you can see from the build above there is mentioned Janna rune set with the best potential for Janna. You can see what runes are main for the character and which are taken for some extra assistance. Also, there are mentioned minor nodes that you can take to play Janna in League of Legends.
Under the rune set, you can see the best summoner spells used with Janna. The overall tier for the champion is mentioned just next to the summoner spells.
As for the best item set, you can see starting items. These are the items that you need to buy at the start of the game before you go on your lane. Next to it, there are early items, later you will upgrade them to the whole items for Janna build. Finally, you can see Mythical and Core items that you’ll need to focus on to win the game.
Skill order or skill priorities are very important in the game so that you will start winning the lane before you buy any powerful items. The skill priority and order for Janna is mentioned under the items. Skill order shows what skill you should upgrade on every level.
General Tips and Combos
All the best tips and tricks for Janna are shown in her combos. We share them from another website that you can follow via the link.
All the combos are can be grouped by difficulty. Sort them from the easy to sever and learn to play Janna by using the combs in your matches.