List of Skyrim achievements and trophies


Being how big Skyrim is, it’s no wonder the number of achievements and trophies it has is massive. Counting its DLCs and the base game, we are facing 75 unlockables that are not easy to cover. Therefore, today we bring the list that you must follow if you want to get them all.

To make it easier to navigate, I have divided everything between base Skyrim and each of its expansions, so you can easily follow the list and easily locate that achievement or trophy that is giving you a hard time.

List of Skyrim achievements and trophies Base Skyrim Trophy List

RELEASE Complete the main mission “Liberation”.
BLEAK FALLS BURIAL MOUND Complete the main quest “Grim Falls Barrow”.
THE WAY OF THE VOICE Complete the main quest “The Path of the Voice”.
DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY Complete the main mission “Diplomatic Immunity”.
ALDUIN’S WALL Complete the main quest “Alduin’s Wall”.
ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE Complete the main quest “Ancient Knowledge”.
THE FALLEN Complete the main quest “The Fallen One”.
DRAGONS KILLER Complete the main quest “Dragon Slayer”.
TO THE WEAPONS Join the Companions guild.
BLOOD OATH Become a member of the Circle by continuing with The Companions missions.
THE GLORY OF THE DEAD Complete the “Glory of the Dead” mission of The Companions.
GATE GUARDIAN Gain access to the College of Winterhold.
REVEALING THE UNSEEN Complete the quest “Revealing the Unseen” in the College of Winterfell.
THE EYE OF MAGNUS Complete the quest “The Eye of Magnus” from the College of Winterfell.
IN CHARGE OF BUSINESS Join the Thieves Guild.
THE RETURN OF DARKNESS Complete the Thieves Guild quest “Return of Darkness”.
ONE WITH THE SHADOWS Complete all Thieves Guild quests. Finish 5 small jobs given by Delvin Mallory and Vex in Whiterun, Windalia, Markarth, and Soledad to unlock 1 special assignment in each city. Once you do that, you will unlock “One with the Shadows”.
WITH FRIENDS LIKE THIS… Join the Dark Brotherhood.
UNTIL DEATH SEPARATES THEM Complete the mission “Till Death Do Them Part” for the Dark Brotherhood.
HAIL SITHIS! Complete the mission “Hail, Sithis!” of the Dark Brotherhood.
TAKING SIDES Join the Stormcloaks or the Imperial army.
WAR HERO Capture Fort Sungard or Fort Green Wall during Civil War missions.
HERO OF SKYRIM Capture Soledad or Ventalia during the Civil War missions.
SIDEWAYS Complete 10 side quests. Keep in mind that the ones from the guilds will not work if they advance their story, but they will count if they have nothing to do with it.
VILLAGE HERO Complete 50 miscellaneous objectives.
HARD WORKER Chop wood, mine ore, and cook.
THIEF Pick 50 locks and pick 50 pockets.
SNAKE TONGUE Successfully persuades, bribes and intimidates.
BLESSING Select a blessing from a menhir.
MENHIRS Find all 13 menhirs.
CITIZEN Buy a house.
WANTED Escape from a prison.
MARRIED get married.
ARCHITECT Make a blacksmith item, an enchanted item, and a potion.
MASTER CRIMINAL Reward of 1,000 gold in all nine counties.
GOLDEN TOUCH Accumulate 100,000 gold.
DEEP Clear 50 dungeons.
SKILL MASTER Get a skill to 100.
EXPLORER Discover 100 locations.
READER Read 50 skill books.
DAEDRIC INFLUENCE Obtain a Daedric Artifact.
OBLIVION WALKER Collect 15 Daedric Artifacts. Note that there are two that you can miss, making the achievement impossible. In order for this not to happen, you will need to take into account the following quests: “A Daedra’s Best Friend” (where you must choose not to kill Barabás) and “The Whispering Gate” (which you must complete before the Civil War missions) .
DRAGON SOUL Absorb a dragon soul.
DRAGON SLAYER Absorb 20 dragon souls.
WORDS OF POWER Learn the three words of a scream.
MASTER OF THE THU’UM Learn 20 shouts.
APPRENTICE Reach level 5.
SKILLED Reach level 10.
EXPERT Reach level 15.
TEACHER Reach level 50.

Dawnguard DLC Trophy List

WAKE Finish the main quest “Awakening” of the Dawn Watch.
BEYOND DEATH Finish the main quest “Beyond Death” from the Dawnwatch or Vampires.
BROTHERLY JUDGMENT Finish the main quest “Brotherly Judgment” from either the Dawnwatch or the Vampires.
LOST IN THE EONS Complete the “Lost in the Aeons” side quest, which can be found in the Dwemer Ruins.
SOUL TEAR Learn all three words of Soul Tear.
AURIEL’S BOW Use the special power of Auriel’s Bow.
LYCANTHROPY MASTERY Acquire 11 werewolf perks.
VAMPIRISM DOMAIN Acquire 11 vampire perks.
THE NEW YOU Change your face.
LEGEND Defeat a legendary dragon.

Dragonborn DLC Trophy List

STRANGER He arrives at Solstheim.
MIRAAK’S TEMPLE Finish the main quest “Miraak’s Temple”.
ON TOP OF APOCRYPHA Finish the main quest “On top of Apocrypha”.
DRAGON SKIN Learn all three words of Dragon Aspect.
HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE Learn the secrets of the 5 Black Books.
STALHRIM CRAFTSMAN Make a stalhrim item.
DRAGON RIDER Tame and ride 5 dragons.
OWNER AT RAVEN ROCK Acquire a house in Raven Rock.
SOLSTHEIM EXPLORER Discover all 30 locations on the island of Solstheim.

Hearthfire DLC Trophy List

PARENT PRIDE Adopt a child.
FARMER Buy a parcel.
ARCHITECT Build three wings of a house.
LANDOWNER It builds on three plots.
MASTER ARCHITECT Build three houses.

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