Lost Ark: An exact time when the servers will go online

Today at 6 p.m. the Lost Ark servers should (re)open to all players after the scheduled maintenance. But nothing will come of the official Lost Ark Launch! The launch is delayed due to “deployment issues”.
An exact time when the servers will go online again has not yet been announced. “We hope that this problem will be fixed in a few hours,” the announcement simply says.
We’ll keep you posted on updates here!
Unfortunately, the launch has been delayed due to deployment issues. We hope this will be fixed in a few hours.
Your patience is appreciated and we will update you soon.
Restart Lost Ark Client
We have received important information from the Community Team. Waiting in the server screen doesn’t seem to help. The server list does not appear there automatically. So a reboot is required.
Waiting at the server screen won’t help, as it will require a fresh launch of the client as far as I’m aware.
You can read our guide for Lost Ark here.
The post Lost Ark: An exact time when the servers will go online appeared first on Nintendo Smash- Your video games news site.