Lost Ark: Best Daily Quests to get most Gold


You can do 3 of the daily quests each day by hitting ALT+J on your keyboard. In Una’s task, you will notice there are daily, weekly, and some other quests available to accept. For the daily quests, these are the best quests to get the most gold and materials.

These daily quests are really fast to complete and the selected quests are.

⦁ Rob the loot
⦁ The ancient mystery of Argus
⦁ Funeral Rite

Lost Ark: Best Daily Quests to get most GoldRob the loot

You have to go to Frozen Sea and then go to Frozen Harbor Neighborhood. You can go kill enemies and monsters there and it will drop the loot. You will complete the daily quest.

The ancient mystery of Argus

You have to go to Rot Water in Payton. You will go to Tavern ‘Black Falcon’. You have to go to the NPC innkeeper Marla and talk to the NPC. This will complete the Daily quest.

The ancient mystery of ArgusFuneral Rite

You have to go to Rot Water in Payton. You will go to the WindBreak forest and you have to go near the big tree for the legs of the Argus. The next big tree you will search for is the heads of the Argus. Now, you will go to Tavern ‘Black Falcon’. You have to go talk to the NPC Kinser. This will complete the Daily quest. These Daily quests will only take a few minutes to complete and they are surely the most rewarding daily quests.

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