Lost Ark: Best methods to get Amethyst Shards


Amethyst shards are the material used to get a lot of items in Lost Ark. Amethyst Shards can be used to buy various things like you can get oil cast skin for your ship. You can also buy crystalline aura, emotes, chests, and also mount for your character.

Amethyst Shards-Using AchievementsAmethyst Shards-Using Achievements

The basic and the main method to get Amethyst Shards is to do Achievements(Alt+0). In Achievements, you have to go in the hidden tab to see all the Achievements that will reward Amethyst Shards.

Amethyst Shards-Using AchievementsGuild

You can join or create your own guild. It will award you 500 Amethyst Shards.


There are two tasks you can do here to get Amethyst Shards. You have to participate in an Arena for the first, you will get 500 Amethyst Shards. For the second, you have to win Arena. It will give you 2000 Amethyst Shards.

Character Level

You can unlock 500 Amethyst Shards by reaching level 50 on your character and you can do this on your other characters to unlock 500 Amethyst Shards.

Prologue without skipping

You can do the game’s prologue without skipping and it will reward you with 500 Amethyst Shards.

Prime Gaming(needs Subscription)

In order to claim these Amethyst Shards, you need to be a prime gaming member and you can claim Amethyst Shards as one of the rewards for Lost Ark.

Using Amethyst Shards

In order to use the Amethyst Shards to get gear, chests, emotes, and other items. You can do the Mysterious man NPC vendor that deals in Amethyst Shards. In their shop, you can exchange Amethyst Shards to get your desired items.

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