Lost Ark Collectibles Guide

There are 8 different types of collectibles in Lost Ark . You can obtain these collectibles through various activities in the game and thereby earn numerous rewards.
Collectible rewards
Each collectible type has different rewards. Unlike currency, you don’t exchange the collectibles, so you don’t have to decide which rewards to save for and which ones to forego.
Rather, it is a tiered system in which you gradually unlock the rewards by collecting the relevant pieces. If there are only a few copies to collect, you will usually receive a reward for each collected collectible. This is the case, for example, with giant hearts or omnium stars.
On the other hand, if there are numerous specimens to collect, you must collect a certain amount per level before the next reward is available. With the Mokoko Seeds, you get the first reward e.g. for 50, the second for 100, the third for 150 Mokoko Seeds collected, etc.
island marks
How do you get island tokens? To get island tokens, you must visit all islands in the game. You can get the tokens thereby completing a quest, establishing a relationship with certain NPCs, killing a certain monster, or exchanging other currencies.
How many island tokens are there? In total, you can collect 91 island tokens in Lost Ark.
Where can I collect the rewards? On Opher, the desert island, you can collect the rewards for your collected island tokens.
Which island token items are the best?
- Major Skill Point Potion (20 island tokens collected)
When obtained, you automatically gain 6 life skill points. - Epic Rune “Protection” (50 Island Tokens Collected)
Gain 8% of Max HP as a shield while casting.
giant hearts
How do you get giant hearts? You get giant hearts, for example, by completing certain quests, in exchange for other currencies or as a relationship reward.
How many giant hearts are there? In total, you can collect 15 Giant Hearts in Lost Ark.
Where can I collect the rewards? You can collect the rewards for the giant hearts you have collected from Minerva on the Isle of Wisdom.
Which giant heart items are the best?
- Skill Point Potion (for 4, 6, 10, and 12 hearts collected)
When obtained, you automatically gain 3 life skill points. - Masterwork #21 (9 hearts collected)
- Masterwork #33 (11 hearts collected)
Omnium Stars
How do you get omnium stars? You get one omnium star each for the quest Whispering Star, 21x Una’s Task: Purification Ceremony, relationship level Familiar with Nia, for 8,000 sun coins, from the area boss Moake, in the Garden of Despair,…
How many omnium stars are there? In total, you can collect 7 Omnium Stars in Lost Ark.
Where can I collect the rewards? At Albion in the village of Nia, you can collect the rewards for your collected Omnium Stars.
Which Omnium Star items are the best?
- Major Skill Point Potion (2 and 6 Stars Collected)
When obtained, you automatically gain 6 Life Skill Points. - Legendary Rune “Wealth” (5 stars collected)
How do you get masterpieces? You can get masterpieces in the course of some adventure tomes (40% or 50%), from quests, from Una’s tasks, as a reward for collecting various other collectibles and in exchange for various currencies.
How many masterpieces are there? In total, you can collect 49 masterpieces in Lost Ark.
Where can I collect the rewards? You can collect the rewards for your collected masterpieces from Alfonso on Sunflower Island.
Which Masterpiece items are the best?
- Sunflower Island Token (10 Masterpieces)
- Artist’s Treasure Chest (20, 30, 34, 38, and 52 Masterpieces)
Contains gold. - Legendary Rune “
Judgment” (44 Masterpieces) 30% chance to remove Judgment from itself, increasing battle item regeneration rate and reducing skill cooldown for 6 sec.
mococo seeds
How do you get Mokoko Seeds? Mokoko Seeds are hidden throughout Arkesia and must be found.
How many Mokoko seeds are there? In total, you can collect 1,209 Mokoko Seeds in Lost Ark.
Where can I collect the rewards? At Totoma in Mokoko Darling, you can collect the rewards for your collected Mokoko Seeds.
Which Mokoko Seed items are the best?
- Masterpiece #32 (950 Mokoko Seeds)
- Masterpiece #44 (1,150 Mokoko Seeds)
Ignea brands
How do you get Ignea tokens? Ignea Tokens are obtained for completing Adventure Tomes (100%).
How many Ignea brands are there? In total, you can collect 14 Ignea Tokens in Lost Ark.
Where can I collect the rewards? In all major cities, you will find an NPC where you can collect your Ignea Token rewards.
Which items for Ignea brands are the best?
- Purification Epic Rune (5 Ignea Tokens)
70% chance to remove a debuff when using skill . - Major Skill Point Potion (8 Ignea
Tokens) Upon acquisition, you automatically gain 6 Life Skill Points. - Bifrost Key (9 Ignea Tokens)
Allows you to unlock another Bifrost slot.
sea booty
How do you get sea loot? First, you need a secret card. There are secret cards, for example, as a reward from other collectibles or from adventure tomes. Right-click to activate the map. You will then see a section of the map with a cross. You have to find this place. At the destination, you will see a small telescope that you can interact with. Now you have completed this adventure and you have one more point in your sea loot collection.
How much sea loot is there? In total, you can collect 44 sea loot in Lost Ark.
Where can I collect the rewards? On the Peyto (3rd level) you can collect the rewards for your collected sea booty.
Which sea loot items are the best?
- Feat #23 (30 Sea Loot)
- Wealth Epic Rune (34 Spoils
of the Sea) Increases identity gauge growth by 30% when a skill hits. - Feat #39 (38 Sea Loot)
- Tears of the Abyss (40 Sea Spoils)
Can be exchanged for Relic Crew Application Forms. - 2x Tears of the Abyss (44 Sea Loot)
world tree leaves
How do you get world tree leaves? World Tree Leaves are obtained randomly while performing crafting skills in the world, ie gathering, chopping, mining, hunting, fishing, or excavating. The higher your crafting level, the higher the chance of getting a World Tree Leaf.
How many world tree leaves are there? In total, you can collect 61 World Tree Leaves in Lost Ark. There are 10 each for each of the six crafting professions and another for completing the quest [Guide] Collecting Collectibles for Fun.
Where can I collect the rewards? In all major cities, you will find an NPC where you can collect your World Tree Leaf rewards.
Which World Tree Leaf items are the best?
- Pale Arch Talisman (12 Collected World Tree Leaves)
Brings passive bonuses to crafting skills. - Can be upgraded with Pale Citrine (36 World Tree Leaves), Still Citrine (48 World Tree Leaves), Sparkling Citrine (72 World Tree Leaves).
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